How to Get Sticker Off Car Window

by Joshua Thomas

This post will teach you a few ways to get sticker off car window. First, you should first take a towel or other soft cloth and wet it with warm water. Next, use the wet cloth to gently scrub the adhesive that is on your car window until it peels away from the surface.

After this step, remove as much of the water as possible from the cloth. Finally, using another clean dry cloth or paper towel, rub over where there was an adhesive residue left behind from removing your sticker for good measure.

Follow these steps and hopefully the next time someone asks for your opinion on which kind of food they should eat, it'll be something simpler than what type of sauce to put on their pizza.

  1.  Use a credit card to scrape off the sticker
  2.  If that doesn't work, use ice scrapers or a plastic scraper
  3. Try using WD-40 as it will dissolve most adhesives and remove residue
  4.  If you have access to a hairdryer, turn it on full blast and let it sit for about 10 minutes
  5.  For stubborn stickers, try using Goo Gone or oven cleaner - these items can be found at any local hardware store
  6.  To prevent this from happening again, put your car in the garage so nobody can vandalize it.
How to Get Sticker Off Car Window
How to Get Sticker Off Car Window

Goo gone car window sticker

If you have a goo gone car window sticker on your vehicle, then you know what a pain it is to get the leftover adhesive off of the glass. Goo Gone Window Cleaner will make this process much easier and more effective.

It's specially formulated for removing any residue from stickers, labels, or adhesives from surfaces such as glass windows. This cleaner will also help remove fingerprints and smudges that accumulate over time on your car window too.

Are you tired of driving around with goo all over your car? It's really embarrassing and for some people, it's downright infuriating. That is why Goo Gone has created an awesome solution to this problem! Now you can remove any sticker or decal from the outside of your vehicle without damaging the paint on your car.

All you need to do is spray a little Goo Gone onto the residue and rub in circular motions using a microfiber towel until it loosens up. This will make removing goo from cars much easier than ever before.

Best Ways to Remove Sticky Material from Car Window

  1. Use a razor blade to scrape off the sticky material
  2. Apply WD-40 or cooking oil to the sticky area and let it soak in for 10 minutes
  3. Fill a bowl with warm water and dish soap, then put your hand inside of it
  4.  Rub your hands together until you feel some suds on them, then rub over the window's surface
  5.  Rinse all of the soapy residues off with clean water before drying off with paper towels or an old towel.

How do you get a sticker off your car?

I'm sure that question has come up many times before. You just got your car detailed and you go to drive off the lot, but what's this? A sticker is stuck to your freshly waxed bumper or license plate frame. What do you do now? Most people try using a hair dryer, but that doesn't always work. Others swear by peanut butter as it will dissolve most things from the surface of a vehicle's paint job. For those looking for an easy way out without wasting time or money, there are plenty of alternatives on Amazon with reviews from satisfied users who have tried them out themselves.

  1.  Use a hair dryer to heat the sticker and peel it off
  2. Soak the sticker in warm water for 10 minutes before peeling it off
  3.  Spray the sticker with cooking spray, then use a razor blade to cut around the edges of the sticker
  4. Apply Vaseline or other oil-based substance to make it slippery, then peel away from your car's surface
  5. Scrape at any remaining residue with an old credit card or similar object

First you have to be really careful. Don't try and rip it off, because it will leave a nasty scratch on your car! Instead hold the sticker as close to the edge as possible with a pair of pliers, and start slowly pulling from.

Is WD-40 safe on car paint?

WD-40 is a well known and widely used household product. It's able to dissolve dirt and grime, remove rust from metal surfaces, and even unstick zippers. But what about WD-40 on car paint? Is it safe for your car? Or will you be left with an oily mess that won't come off? Let's take a closer look at the risks of using this product as a quick detailer.

Will rubbing alcohol damage car paint?

Will rubbing alcohol damage car paint?
Will rubbing alcohol damage car paint?

I'm sure you've heard the old wives tale that rubbing alcohol will damage your car's paint. But is it true? We found out by conducting an experiment with two cars in our parking lot. One of them had a little bit of rubbing alcohol spilled on it and the other didn't, then we watched to see if there was any difference after one hour. You can read about our results below.

I used to think that rubbing alcohol was fine for cars, but now I know better. Rubbing alcohol will damage car paint because it's water-based and the sealer on your car is petroleum-based.


If you're like me, and you have a sticker on your windshield that's been there for days, then this post is for you. I've tried everything to get the car decal off my window with no success. The best way I found was using rubbing alcohol and a credit card (or any other hard plastic). Slice an onion in half and lay one of the pieces over the top edge of where the sticker meets your glass so it hangs down below. Next, pour some rubbing alcohol onto both sides of the peel until most or all of it seeps through into the onion layer. Wait 30 seconds before peeling back just enough to lift up about an inch worth from each side away from each other as shown above.

About Joshua Thomas

Joshua Thomas just simply loves cars and willing to work on them whenever there's chance... sometimes for free.

He started CarCareTotal back in 2017 from the advices of total strangers who witnessed his amazing skills in car repairs here and there.

His goal with this creation is to help car owners better learn how to maintain and repair their cars; as such, the site would cover alot of areas: troubleshooting, product recommendations, tips & tricks.

Joshua received Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at San Diego State University.

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